(631) 727-0005 contact@bdgreenhouse.com

Welcome to Bianchi-Davis Greenhouses

Orchid Wholesalers in Riverhead, New York

Long Island’s moderate climate and computer automated greenhouses provide the ideal growing home for our premium Phalaenopsis Orchids.

For over three decades our experts have been grooming specialized breeds that produce the showiest blooms and the most riveting orchid colors. We nurture our own proprietary hybrids into regal flowering beauty until they show long-lasting, multiple blooms. Our gentle greenhouse process results in the healthiest plants, the most intense colors, the largest flowers, and the highest flower counts possible.

Your order is picked from our benches by seasoned professionals. Our flower people handpick thousands of custom orders. You tell us exactly what you want and we deliver it. We fill wholesale orders large and small and carefully pack and load them by hand. Each delivery arrives on our own heated and air conditioned delivery vans.

Call Bianchi-Davis Greenhouses, Inc. for one of the widest selection of orchid varieties and colors in the Northeast at (631) 727-0005.

News 12 Long Island
East End: Bianchi Davis Greenhouse

Blooms from the wholesale grower can be found at garden centers across Long Island.


Florists Are Feeling The Squeeze From Supply Chain Issues

Ninety-one-year-old Bill Bianchi, owner of Bianchi – Davis Greenhouses, was born into the family-owned flower business. He has never experienced such challenges with the supply chain.

News 12 Long Island
East End: Hemp at Bianchi Davis Greenhouses

They’ve been growing beautiful orchids since the 1950s, but now they’re trying a new crop. Bianchi-Davis Greenhouses in Riverhead just started growing hemp.